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Cost Effective Online Marketing Channels for SMEs Targeting Chinese Consumers

Which websites in China tend to have good rankings for organic traffic? And apart from SEO for Baidu, what kind of channels are cost-effective for promoting products and services in China? Here are some ideas for you:

1) Paid promotions

Paid promotions include SEM paid listing (PPC), news feed, internet ad union and brand marketing, etc. In the beginning of online marketing, paid promotion is one of the most efficient way of building brand awareness.

If your company is having a limited budget for online marketing for the Chinese marketing, you can try Baidu’s paid listing first, and later paid programs on 360, Sogou, Toutiao, UC, etc.

2) Baidu products

Baidu’s major products are also good channels for marketing in China, including Baidu’s newly released Xiongzhanghao (BearPaw Account), enterprise encyclopedia, Baidu Tieba, Baidu Zhidao, Baidu Library, Baidu Experience, etc. These products enjoy high rankings and SEO priorities. But we have to remind you that external links and too obviously ads are not permitted on Baidu’s products, so content marketing or SEO with quality content are suggested by Jinray SEO Agency.

And you can also try 360’s products (Baidu’s biggest competitor in China), like 360 Encyclopedia, 360 Q&A, 360 Library, etc.

3) We Media

We-Media products are like mushrooms after rain since 2015, there are hundreds of them till now, and WeChat Official Account and Toutiao Account are the most popular ones.

Besides, news apps cannot be ignored either, as smart phones are in everyone’s hands in China, and each phone has 2 or 3 news apps installed. WeChat Official Account and Toutiao Account both have numerous amounts of potential subscribers, so you have to put emphasis on them, at least WeChat.

Other We-Media channels include Sohu Account, Yidian News, Sina Insights, NetEase Account, Big Fish Account, Beijing Time, etc. Determine if you need them based on your products or services.

But make sure to focus on one or two platforms and take others as supplements, think it through before you bite off more than you can chew.

4) Video channels

Along with the rise of We-Medias, short video products also witness explosive increases. Mainstream video platforms in China are iQiYi, Tencent Video and Youku. And Watermelon Video from Toutiao is a rising star.

Videos become more and more popular because they appear to be more credible and true. Compared to texts, it would be more persuasive for a company to release videos on its products and services on these sites or apps.

5) Industrial vertical websites

Many industries in China have their own vertical portal websites, and such websites are usually famous and big. You cannot miss them because their readers are exactly your potential users.

Sign in one of the websites, become a corporate member, or just put your advertisements on its pages, and wait for those potential users to understand your products or even close a big deal with you. So which website are what you need? Jinray SEO is ready to help.

6) E-commerce platforms

Most industries would need its e-commerce platforms, to connect their end users directly.

Main e-commerce platforms in China are Tmall, Taobao and JD. E-Commerce platforms are ideal marketing channels for overseas SMEs aiming at Chinese market. You can select one of them to kick the tires and expand your business to other platforms when you feel confident and powerful.

7) Others

Some online communities and forums in China are also known for fast indexing and high rankings on Baidu, Zhihu, Tianya and Douban are the three typical ones.

Besides, Baidu Library, 360 Library, Docin Library, Daoke Baba also rank well.

If you are planning to start a Chinese blog for your products or services, Sina Blog would be a good idea, and blogs from Sohu, NetEase, Tianya or BlogChina are also available for you any time. These blogs are all free to use, but they’ve been proven effective and efficient for marketing products in China.

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