SEO News

Baidu SEO: two steps to identify Baiduspider Bot coming to your website

A lot of questions are being asked by Chinese webmasters who want to improve SEO performance on Baidu.

For example, What’s Baiduspider Bot? Why Baiduspider Bot comes so frequently these days? What can I do when Baiduspider Bot doesn’t come any more?

And many webmasters want to get the IP block of Baiduspider Bot so that they could add it to their white list. But the IP of Baiduspider Bot is not fixed, so Baidu cannot reveal it.

Then how to identify Baiduspider Bot correctly? Well, here are two steps for doing this.

  1. Check UA.

If the UA is wrong, you can confirm that it’s not Baiduspider Bot. The UAs that have been revealed by Baidu are:

Mobile UA:Mozilla/5.0 (Linux;u;Android 4.2.2;zh-cn;) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML,likeGecko) Version/5.1 Mobile Safari/10600.6.3 (compatible; Baiduspider/2.0;+

PC UA:Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Baiduspider/2.0;+

Newly added rendering UA:

Mobile UA:Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 likeMac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143Safari/601.1 (compatible; Baiduspider-render/2.0; +

PC UA:Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;Baiduspider-render/2.0; +

  1. Reverse IP

Webmasters can judge if a spider comes from Baidu search engine by reversing IP via DNS.

Vertification methods are different on different platforms. For example, vertification methods on Linux, Windows and OS are as follows:

a). On Linux, you can use “host ip” order to reverse IP, and thus confirm if it comes from Baiduspider.

The hostname of Baiduspider is named by format of  * or  * ; otherwise, it’s false.

b). On Windows or IBM OS/2, you can use “nslookup ip” order to reverse IP, and then confirm if it’s comes from Baiduspider.

Open your command processor and input nslookup (IP address) to parse IP, so you can judge if it comes from Baiduspider. The hostname of Baiduspider is named by format of * or *; otherwise, it’s false.

c). On Mac OS, you can use “dig” order to reverse IP, and thus confirm if it comes from Baiduspider.

Open your command processor and input dig (IP address) to parse IP, so you can judge if it comes from Baiduspider. The hostname of Baiduspider is named by format of * or *; otherwise, it’s false.

Above are the simple two steps to identify Baidu spiders, then you can have a dynamic understanding of your site’s SEO performance on Baidu.

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