SEO News

4 interesting facts about Baidu’s search data of Avengers: Infinity War

“Avengers: Infinity War (2018)” has been formally on show in China since May 11th, and by researching its Chinese name “复仇者联盟3” or “复联3” in short and relevant keywords on Baidu Index, we found four interesting facts as follows.

SEO News

Baidu Releases Data Report on Marketing of Dairy Products in China

As one of the valuable tools for Baidu SEO (Search Engine Optimization for Baidu) and an important department of Baidu for online marketing, Baidu Index recently published a data report on marketing of dairy products for Chinese market.

The report is said to combine consumers’ purchase data and Baidu Index’s search data and reveal consumption status and marketing trend of dairy products in China with the help of big data.