SEO Comments

What formats of nofollow tag does Baidu support?

Baidu made an official statement in August 2011 that it supports nofollow tag, but only those written in two ways:

< a rel=”nofollow” href=”url”>123</a>

<meta name=”robots” content=”nofollow”>

Baidu also made it clear that URLs with “nofollow” attribute cannot pass page authority, and thus do not affect any rankings.

SEO Comments

Some typical differences between Baidu and Google

Compared to Google, Baidu is often belittled by Chinese netizens, although it has become almost the only one reliable search engine available in China. And here are some typical differences between Baidu and Google in respect of SEO:

SEO News

What’s Baidu’s recommended webpage load time?

In the mobile internet era, webpage load time becomes more important, because according to Baidu’s test, visitors would close the page if it couldn’t be accessed in more than three seconds. Therefore, Baidu might limit display of webpages in its search results that cannot be loaded completely in three seconds. However, what’s the best time of page loading? Someone asked Baidu’s engineer on a high-level forum.

SEO News

Baidu SEO: two steps to identify Baiduspider Bot coming to your website

A lot of questions are being asked by Chinese webmasters who want to improve SEO performance on Baidu.

For example, What’s Baiduspider Bot? Why Baiduspider Bot comes so frequently these days? What can I do when Baiduspider Bot doesn’t come any more?

And many webmasters want to get the IP block of Baiduspider Bot so that they could add it to their white list. But the IP of Baiduspider Bot is not fixed, so Baidu cannot reveal it.

Then how to identify Baiduspider Bot correctly? Well, here are two steps for doing this.