SEO Comments

Chinese SEO Expert: Most Domestic SEO Agencies Would Collapse if Google is Dominant Here

The possible return of Google to China has become a hot topic among domestic SEOs, and many of them are very optimistic about the news, but famous Chinese SEO expert Zac warned them of the opposite situation today.

SEO News

SEO in China: Google to Become an Option apart from Baidu

There has been rumors on Google coming back to China since last month, and Google refused to comment about it.

But China’s official mouthpiece The People’s Daily posted yesterday on both Facebook and Twitter that “Google is welcome to return to the Chinese mainland, but it must comply with local laws”, and this has evoked wide discussions among Chinese netizens, many of whom are talking about whether Baidu is still to be used after Google’s back, as they believe Google provides better results than Baidu.